

Biography of Varuzhan Yepremyan

In 1959, in solar Armenia , in a family of artist Grisha Yepremyan was born a son – Varuzhan. Growing among pictures of the father, Varuzhan wasn’t necessary to think of that at all that it is possible to connect the future trade with something else, besides art.

Upon termination of the Yerevan art school of Terlemezyana in 1978, Varuzhan has gone on service to Kiev. But the destiny wasn’t so favourable, and soon the future artist have transported to Afghanistan. This is one of the hardest times in life of Varuzhan which for the clear reasons he doesn’t like to remember. After returning from army art has helped Varuzhan to return to the validity. And here, after a three-year break and returning from army, in 1981 he arrives in the Yerevan art-theatrical institute which has finished in 1987 in a workshop of the professor of Ara Bekaryan.

The 1987 is the beginning, a starting point in creativity of the artist which should take place hard road on a way to formation in the painting and art world.

On this way, Varuzhan searched for himself in many countries, and as a result in 1997 has stopped in Russia, more exact – in St.-Petersburg, where has begun all with zero. This work proceeds till now, and Varuzhan doesn’t intend to stop on the reached. The artist is assured, what exactly its creativity is the main business of life.

Varuzhan Yepremyan is a member of the Union of Artists of Armenia, a member of the International federation of artists, a member of creative association of artists “MIR”.

The first personal exhibition of the artist has taken place still in far 1981. Till now Varuzhan works on personal and group exhibitions.
